« Free World » Charter
For the use of « Friends of Liberty
1. As rightly stated in the American Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, all human beings (since none is the author of his own life!) were created with certain inalienable rights, among which are, in particular, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There is the Absolute and nowhere else.
2. As President John Fitzgerald Kennedy rightly pointed out in his day, human beings received their inalienable rights - including Freedom - from the Laws of the Creation, not from the benevolence of their country's government. Everyone should always remember this.
3. Having been created free, Freedom is part of the very nature of human beings. This is the basis of the natural individual Sovereignty of every human being. It follows that only a free life is worth living.
4. The body of every human being belongs to him alone, as an inviolable sanctuary ("Habeas corpus"). The bodies of minors are placed, in the first place, under the close protection of their parents.
5. All measures put in place by the governments of the various countries can and must never - under any pretext - infringe on the privacy of the country's inhabitants, including their beliefs and religions.
6. Insofar as it depends on them, the signatories of the present "Free World" Charter solemnly commit themselves, in particular in the framework of their professional, social, commercial or associative activity, never to demand from their clients or co-users measures aiming at restricting fundamental freedoms, such as the freedom to come and go, the freedom to breathe, the freedom to decide what goes into one's own body or not, etc.
7. In particular, insofar as it depends on them, the signatories undertake to refrain from any discrimination and apartheid, whether it be sanitary or otherwise, just as they undertake not to demand that obviously healthy citizens must prove that they are healthy before they can enter their establishments. Healthy status should always be presumed.
8. In general, the signatories of this Charter strive to act in all respects with respect for the Freedom of each human being who presents himself or herself to them, to practice complete Equality of treatment with respect to people, regardless of their personal health choices, and to promote Human Fraternity.
9. As Friends of Liberty, the signatories of this Charter are proud of the views expressed herein and strive to promote a Free World, based on conscience and respect, rather than coercion.
10. As Friends of Freedom, the signatories try to reach out and make their Free World network known wherever it seems appropriate.
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